Step Out of Your Comfort Zone And Into Your Greatness


Avraham's remarkable journey teaches us to embrace discomfort and step beyond our comfort zones in both our spiritual pursuits and relationships, enabling profound personal growth and a deeper connection with the divine.

Avraham embarked on a journey marked by ten trials. One of the craziest being the test in Ur Kasdim. Avraham chose to be cast into the fiery furnace rather than deny his faith in the Creator.

But what’s really crazy is that Avraham miraculously walking around in a blazing furnace is only hinted at in the Torah. The first trial the Torah actually tells us about is here in Parshas Lech Lecha.

Hashem tells Abraham to ‘Go for yourself from your land, from your birthplace, and from your father’s house.’

So what is more special about being commanded to leave his home more than the other trials?

From Above To Below

Lech Lecha is the first trial the Torah tells us about because mystically it is the first test that Hashem commands the neshama.

Chassidus teaches that Hashem says to the neshama before coming down into the physical realm. It has to go ‘מארצץ’ which means ‘from your land’, but can also mean from your רצון/desire.

This alludes to the supernal Keser from which the neshama is rooted. The neshama’s natural desire is to remain in its celestial state, absorbed in the sublime bliss of Hashem’s Light.

It continues its descent and leaves its ‘birthplace’ and ‘father’s house’. These both refer to the supernal sefiros of Chochma and Bina.

The soul must forsake these ethereal realms to embark upon its earthly journey.

And the purpose of this descent: ‘To the land that I will show you’—where Hashem will reveal Himself.

The loftier dimensions where the soul resided before descending are only but emanations of Hashem’s Infinite Light. However, Hashem’s Essence only manifests in this worldly realm.

As the soul descends, enshrouding itself in a physical vessel, and dutifully observes the Torah and mitzvos, it forges an infinitely greater connection with Hashem, one that could never have been attained if it stayed in the comfort of its supernal abode.


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From Below To Above

And once the soul has finally agreed to come down to the physical world it is once again commanded, ‘Lech Lecha’.

Now that I’m here I need to begin the great journey back to Hashem by first leaving מארצץ, from the natural desires and inclinations of the ego.

Likewise, I must leave ‘from your birthplace,’ which means to let go of the limitations of human intellect and the natural character traits I was born with.

And also I have to leave ‘from your father’s house’—escaping the clutches of learned habits and miseducation whether from home or society.

These must all be left behind as I now need to embark ‘to the land that I will show you’—symbolizing the greater connection with Hashem through Torah and Mitzvos.

Staying Single To Avoid Pain?

And these lessons couldn’t be more applicable to married life.

Sometimes when I feel that marriage is just too difficult and frustration, I think, Why do this to myself? Life would be so much easier if I were single.

But then the Torah says that it’s not good for man to be alone.

And in this sense, marriage is a call to leave the safety of static selfishness and embark on a shared journey with a partner.

It’s in this partnership, marked by its unique struggles, with my wife as עזר כנגדו, that I can discover my true strength and potential.

The commitment and challenges of marriage provide me with an opportunity to overcome ego and nurture love, honor, and care for for my wife.

This daily struggle to constantly grow and improve myself and the relationship ultimately leads to a level of connection with my wife and with Hashem, that would be otherwise unattainable.


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